About Us

Joey Rogers

Joey Rogers lives in the high-tech city of Huntsville, Alabama. A recovering Minecraft addict and video game enthusiast, he is a geeky nerd who loves technology and writing about what the future may hold. He is a computer scientist with experience in the fields of artificial intelligence (neural networks), bio-authentication, automated lithology determination, cross-hole seismic tomography, and programming language development (NeuDL). He now spends most days designing and developing mobile GIS software.


GegoDyne is the publishing company for Joey Rogers. GegoDyne is also the name of a fictitious corporation in An Alien, a Time Machine, and a Loser/Hero. Several characters in the book work at GegoDyne. Also, the Corporation in A Funny Thing Happened on the Moon and in A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Mars is also GegoDyne (just 100 years later). These books are part of the GegoVerse. So far, The Belfore Void is the only book not part of the GegoVerse.

What does GegoDyne mean?

Gego is a proposed unit prefix, like Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa. The official names for higher units have not been officially decided, but they are still coined and used. Gego is one of these, not yet official, unit prefixes representing 1030 (or 1 followed by 30 zeros). Bronto is a proposed unit prefix for 1027, but BrontoDyne was already used by someone. Geop is also a proposed proposed prefix for 1030, but is doesn’t sound as cool as Gego.

Dyne is a unit a force. The word is derived from the Greek Dynamis meaning force or Power.