I rely a lot on recommendations from other people to pick my next read, so I’m going to pay it forward and offer some recommendations of my own.

How do I pick? Do I want a long book or a short book? What genre? I mostly like sci-fi, some fantasy, and even a thriller, suspense, or mystery. Or better yet, a mixture. I will also pick books off the New York Times Best Sellers List to broaden my horizons, but after the Fifty Shades of Grey debacle, I do a little more research now before blinding picking one of those.

It’s always hard for me to pick a new book unless I’m reading a series. I think I had rather read a series of books because if it’s good, I have a long stretch of enjoyable reading. There’s a caveat, though. If the series is not complete, you may have to wait YEARS for the next book (e.g. GRRM, Rothfuss). If you can’t pick the next books in a series, you can always pick another book or series from the same author. It’s pretty easy to consume all of the books from an author in a short amount of time, especially if the books are good.

My next few posts will review some authors and books that I highly recommend.